
Promosi Doktor Sanitianing Anggraini (19 Desember 2023)

Selamat Atas Pengukuhan Doktor yang ke-321 untuk Sanitianing Anggraini  yang merupakan Mahasiswa S3 Manajemen Pemasaran angkatan 2017 di Program Pascasarjana Ilmu Manajemen FEB UI.

Promosi S3 telah dilaksanakan pada hari Selasa, 19 Desember 2023 Pukul 10.00 – 12.30 WIB di Ruang 401-403, Lantai 4, Gedung Pascasarjana FEB UI, Kampus UI Depok.

Judul Disertasi : “The Role of Push Pull, Mooring Factors in Fuel Consumer Switching Behavior: a System Dynamics Approach”

Ketua Sidang :

Arief Wibosono Lubis, Ph.D. (Ketua Sidang)

Penguji :

1. Prof. Dr. Adi Zakaria Afiff (Ketua Penguji)

2. Prof. dr. Chairy

3. Daniel Tumpal Hamonangan Aruan, Ph.D.

4. Dr. Ignatius Heruwasto

5. Dr. Rifelly Dewi Astuti

6. Prof. Dr. Rizal Edy Halim (Promotor)

7. Athor Subroto, Ph.D. (Ko-Promotor 1)

8. Dr. Asnan Furinto (Ko-Promotor 2)



The switching behavior of fuel products to meet the needs of vehicle owners become critical for fuel providers. Business competition for the National Oil Company (NOC) involving foreign providers becomes interesting to examine switching behavior. To fill an academic gap, this study focuses on logical thinking which is applied to the theoretical concepts of push, pull, and mooring (PPM). Nationalism which is one of the mooring factors is important to assess the extent of sensitivity in an effort to restrain customers from switching and also facilities as the pull factor. The data used is longitudinal time series data and as many as 139 people filled out a 6 Likert-scale online questionnaire with 293 input data and analyzed using system dynamics. Causal loop diagrams are prepared based on the research context to see the polarity between variables in each factor and become the basis for dynamic hypotheses. The findings through this study confirm the switching behavior on the existing conditions compared with the sensitivity by scenarios to answer the dynamics hypotheses. The push-pull-mooring framework can be useful in system dynamics to identified switching behavior between four providers. These research findings offer imply implications for the competitive strategy of fuel providers.


Keywords : fuel, PPM Theory, switching behavior, system dynamics